ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Ok, having just watched Skate 1, another video of some moron riding with out a helmet, its time to bring up the importance of helmets and how it reflects on longboarders in general. 99% of us know that wearing a helmet isn't an option, its a necessity. So i ask you this, why are videos and pics of folks not wearing lids being allowed on the site? I know that policing the site for helmetless photos and vid is time consuming and a pain in the ass, but the first time someone visits the site they see a banner where all riders have helmets. only to scroll down and see pics and videos of people without lids. Like it or not, the minute you set foot on your board you become a representative for the sport (pro or otherwise). If you aren't wearing a helmet, the public may view you as just another sk8r regardless of the size of your board and how you use it. As longboarders we prefer not to lumped in with park skaters and their little popsicle stick boards for obvious reasons. Think about how impressionable young minds are, you go fanging past a car full of kids on a strange looking board, those kids get interested in longboarding, if they see you wearing a lid, they're first impression of the sport is someone who realises that safety is more important than image. The more this happens, the faster a helmets becomes part of the image.

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lol... just.... lol.
always wear a helmet ! wear the right helmet for the type of skating you are doing !!!
I must admit...I'm entirely new to Longboarding and skating in general, and i don't wear a helmet, it's not a personal choice or anything, if i had a helmet, I'd wear it 100% of the time...while skating. But the problem is that i don't and I've been looking around the local bike shops and I'm still unable to find one at all. All i can find are the no-namer brands that you find in big W. I know how stupid it is to skate without a helmet, my mate who's been skating since he was..4 i believe, was just rolling around on a bank at greensborough skate park, chalked on a rock and ended up concussed because he wasn't wearing a helmet. I'm still looking for a brain bucket though. I've got Friday off so I'll probably go out and have a serious look then.
plenty of places with helmets dale...there's a skate shop in the city on swanston st between collins and bourke that sell protec helmets.

even so i'd say every bike shop should have "skate helmets"

Dale said:
I must admit...I'm entirely new to Longboarding and skating in general, and i don't wear a helmet, it's not a personal choice or anything, if i had a helmet, I'd wear it 100% of the time...while skating. But the problem is that i don't and I've been looking around the local bike shops and I'm still unable to find one at all. All i can find are the no-namer brands that you find in big W. I know how stupid it is to skate without a helmet, my mate who's been skating since he was..4 i believe, was just rolling around on a bank at greensborough skate park, chalked on a rock and ended up concussed because he wasn't wearing a helmet. I'm still looking for a brain bucket though. I've got Friday off so I'll probably go out and have a serious look then.
Dale, all hemets released onto the market need to meet a standard. If a helmet does not reach a standard it is NOT released onto the market. This means that those cheap no brand helmets while maybe not reaching the same rating at a MTB helemet will still protect your noggin to an extent.

"there's a skate shop in the city on swanston st between collins and bourke that sell protec helmets."

Grab one
dani, i think that is only for bike helmets. some skate helmets are still unrated. the protects with the soft foam arent approved but they are definitely better than nothing.
I'm on it guys, thanks ching.

I'll have one before the start of next week.
Many years ago the story went that the reason skate helmets werent safety approved is that they were made for ramp and bowl use were the surfaces were flat and had no protruding or sharp edges, bike helmets are tested and given safety approval against fence posts, tree limbs, sharp rocks, curbs and anything else that sticks up or out and has the potiental to impale and or enter a helmet and still scone you etc etc

Bugs, im sorry but im going to have to strongly disagree with your comment there. I think you may have bashed your head a little bit too much and are still thinking off with the pixies. I dont think i would have ever hear you say something to stupid... A helmet is always a must. saying that wearing the helmet caused your accident is crap, and saying that if you werent wearing it you probably wouldnt have taken the risk is even more crap. shit can happen weather your taking a risk or now. Ive seen you rolling the bomb squad many times without a lid and i have always been very disappointed with that. The bottom line is: if your going out skating, strap on a lid... or your an idiot.

sorry if i sound so harsh on this one Bugs but its gotta be said
All you guys have got to catch up with the times ; latest thing is helmet quivers for the "in the know" crowd ! I have 2 old flyaways, 1 new flyaway, 2 protecs and 1 motorbike helmet
Be nice to have the money to have a quiver, Fox.
John Fox Williamson said:
All you guys have got to catch up with the times ; latest thing is helmet quivers for the "in the know" crowd ! I have 2 old flyaways, 1 new flyaway, 2 protecs and 1 motorbike helmet
Count me in fox, my helmet quiver is just begining but has an open face skate helmet and a full face MX helmet. Want to find a cheap MTB helmet to add to the collection.

Sakamoto the MX helmet was in the bargain basement bin at the local MX shop, cost me a whole $35. Don't tell me you can play with carbon, but can't chip up for a helmet:)

motorbike shops are a good starting point for young blokes that don't care about what it looks like, and you don't want to break the budget on a mtb helmet.

an added bonus when you go out for a car park session, piss heads don't give you shit with a full weight helmet in your right hand :)

For some reason they look at you, down at your hand, and then realise getting cracked in the face with what looks like a bowling ball doesn't seem such a good idea.....ha.....haha......hahaha

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