ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Landyachtz have jumped onto the bandwagon and just brought out their new freeride models.

Its interesting how freeriding is the in thing at the moment. The most sought after wheels are now the freeride style wheels with the lack of lips and contact patch and most the videos we see these days are Canadian dudes forgetting they are actually not riding their snowboards. Everything is about freeriding now.
Is it only a matter of time before the fad ends and we are back to the Zig style wheels? or will something entirely new set the market?
Square wheels anyone?

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i'm still working on sliding back from switch, still feels really awkward for me. but it's something i definitely wanna get down.

anyway, my opinion here is that freeriding, like jacko has elaborated earlier, is a good evolution to skating. and it looks fun to me, i'm just gonna jump on the bandwagon here and see where it takes me :D
Yeah I find when i practise carving just standing on my drop wedge backwards riding switch, I always look your photos jacko and say how do you slash that heavy omni deck if i did get it out i coulf never get it back in.
when carving just lean out and push your back foot while turning. Learning to do standup slashes you dont need to get sideways, just try and get the feeling of the wheels scrubbing without your hands on the ground and getting the control over it. Push harder and harder and you will get it eventually. The key is getting low, then decompressing your weight upwards, and as you decompress (like your kinda jumping off your board) thats when you wanna throw that back foot out. When you have less weight on your board it will slide easier
Man i just checked stoke and they have the new freeride wheels and when i worked out the conversion rate for are dollar it's only like $83 for the 70mm shipped and i just bought brand new kryptos off silverfish for 60 pretty dippressed right now.
what did u check?
Oh sorry Stoked skateboards forgot to put in the ed.

Jacko said:
what did u check?
The graphics do not float my boat.

If you are talking about bringing back around a 180 slide standing up then yes it is very hard, but with your hands on the ground and a solid amount of speed it is quite easy after some practice.
is that in USD or ozzie dollars?
Ozzie dollar Dude hell cheap aye when i worked ity out on daddies boardshop it would cost 113 to get them here.
yeah stoked Skateboards are good with their shipping prices. the cheapest US site.
so the price of around $80ish (is in ozzie dollars) includes shipping to AUS? interesting... thats not too bad. I guess when we get our wheels in we will have to try to beat that price!
it turns out to be $44.84 for the wheels and $24.95 for the shipping in USD, which turns out to be $97.83 AUD. I don't know where you got $80 from Joe.

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