ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Landyachtz have jumped onto the bandwagon and just brought out their new freeride models.

Its interesting how freeriding is the in thing at the moment. The most sought after wheels are now the freeride style wheels with the lack of lips and contact patch and most the videos we see these days are Canadian dudes forgetting they are actually not riding their snowboards. Everything is about freeriding now.
Is it only a matter of time before the fad ends and we are back to the Zig style wheels? or will something entirely new set the market?
Square wheels anyone?

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i think its great the way freeriding is becoming a big part of longboarding. Not only does it help with greater board controll but in race situations it makes you solid as a rock. Days of footbreaking are over, speed checks are key. Minimalising the time it takes to slow down to ample speed to take a corner really gives you that extra edge over your competitors and in turn makes it easier to gain exit speed.
Also the way dudes are 'snowboarding' their longboards opens up a whole new realm to the sport. You would look at those hills that you used to say "fuck off, im not riding that gnarly shit" and think "fuck yeah i could bust some mad slides on that".
Free riding is turning the normal into something extreme. Even a pathway with a slight bend in it can open up hours of sessioning, where before you would just cruise on by and think nothing of it.
But the main factor about free riding thats churning out world class riders today is the gain of confidence from learning such extreme maneuvers. The knowledge that you can slow down gives you the courage to go fast. Being confident that you can shut it down in an instant lets you push those boundaries a lot further than you could ever imagine. Being confident that you can slow down when things get dicey and come out of it safely lets you know you are ready to tackle those big hills and play with the big boys.

Who needs surf, who needs snow? These concrete waves break 24/7 and its always fresh powder on my local hills...
well said Jacko. Its certainly a style of riding I need a lot of practice in. the idea that i will need to someday soon ride switch is scary. Its like starting from the very beginning of my boarding days where skill and confidence is back to zero. oh well, obviously needs to be done to keep up with the big guns.
Yeah indeeded I have just been getting into aswell, slashing is the funniest thing you can do when you have to skate to work or to gte some where. And aslo with loaded bringing out there freeride wheel, Jacko are these the prototypes you had?
whats your opinion on the loaded freerides by the way Jacko? they look like otangs with a rounded lip, which I already have.
to me the Abec11 freerides look like a better shape for sliding. also the Abec11 urethane is known for smooth wear, as opposed to the otangs.
Yeah i know leigh i could get someone to shave the edges off my 75mm 83a and would that basically be the same jacko?
absolutely not. If you just shaved the edges then why would they bother bringing out a free ride wheel? The shape and core of the wheels are completely different, making the wear patterns different to that of a 'slalom' style of wheel. The o-tang freerides have taken a long time to come out because they wanted them to be PERFECT. Abec11 brought out their freerides roughly the same time loaded were going to but loaded said fuck that we want ours to be the shiznet. They are perfectly slidable straight out of the box, no breaking in nessecary and the wear pattern is meant to be pretty good.
If you wanna learn to ride switch then go out n do it, all you need is commitment to slides. My suggestion is trying switch slides in the wet with rain wheels. They will still have a little bit of grip and feel like they are scrubbing but they slide effortlessly and without 'aquaplaining'
Just practice fellas, it does make perfect.
Oh okk far enough, Man those wheels i got off you Jacko the 69mm 83a urban skate wheels i have been drifting those they slide like butter after a while. I just bought some Kryptos off the fish for 60 can't wait to test them out.
I wish i could control my speeds with drifting and sliding like how you see some of the guys do in videos, so effortless, see a car coming up ahead, just bust out a slide to slow down no footbraking. I'd probably tackle hills in a whole different way if i could 'freeride'.

I suck at anything switch.
im sure you can shred it up freeriding without skating switch,as for switch are u guys talkin sliding it back around after a 180 slide or shreddin the whole hill switchfooted{opposite to how u normaly ride} .natural stance, or goofy?
well you'd have to be pretty decent at riding switch to slide back after a 180. i've tried it and its like throwing a ball with my left hand, its completely unco.
I have seen you throw with you right hand Leigh, same :P
im shit house at riding switch but switching back from a 180 isnt that hard. Seeing as you already have your weight on the opposite foot you just have to swing at your shoulders and drag that back foot around. all you need is commitment, and a helmet/gloves

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