ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Its getting to the stage where its really about time I started carrying a first aid kit in the car to all sessions - and not quite sure exactly what I need to be putting in it.

Everybody knows prevention is the best treatment, and we're always wearing at least a lid, gloves and knees everywhere, and these cover 90% of stacks, but theres then theres those freak 10% of accidents that end in grazes in weird spots or corks or even broken bones and dislocated shoulders and stuff.

Ive had my share of stupid stacks, and you get an idea of the skate specific basics - patch bandaids, elastoplast and gauze, compression bandage - but has anybody had any weird accidents and just wished they had some other sort of first aid?

Thanks heaps

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Does doing a first aid course count for this? I did mine through the RFS and am certified till 2012 (i think)
It covered everything from small scratches to broken bones, shock, CPR....everything..

Because with the RFS we are usually first on scene to car accidents, we need that first-aid knowledge to keep someone alive till the ambos get there.....i dont think skating would be that serious in most cases...but there are some exceptions to the rule.

Guff said:
no use having a first aid kit if you don't know how to use it anyone can put a bandaid or superglue on a road rash injury but how many can treat severe shock or perform CPR?
Ashes first-aid kit has gained a level! Ashes first-aid kit is leaning a new move... Ashes first-aid kit learnt super glue.
Pokemon fan are we?

Ash Savage said:
Ashes first-aid kit has gained a level! Ashes first-aid kit is leaning a new move... Ashes first-aid kit learnt super glue.
glad someone got that reference. pokemon red/blue FTW
I dont think you get to call yourself a skater unless you make regular sacrifices to the god of ashpelt, it promotes bad skate vibes and then boom, suddenly you make a sacrifice big enough to make up for all the ones you missed.

David Evans said:

or for those people out there that winge about a small bit of road rash, a can of harden the fuck up or some concrete on their cereal. :D
took a while but we have our first aid kit with additions already in it for gravity sports and it is only $35 (though postage sucks so bad ) However give us a yell if you want one and we can take it to Newtons to be picked up by yourself or someone you know that's going........they look like this (the one on the left!!!!)
$35 for a great first aid kit is sweet! Even dudes that enjoy concrete on their cereal could get use out of just having that in the car for general stuff.

I ended up putting together a kit similar to that but less comprehensive- cost me a heap more than $35.

Hank's Place Australia said:
took a while but we have our first aid kit with additions already in it for gravity sports and it is only $35 (though postage sucks so bad ) However give us a yell if you want one and we can take it to Newtons to be picked up by yourself or someone you know that's going........they look like this (the one on the left!!!!)

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