ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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I thought Owen said he wasn't going?
He changed his mind. GUNNA BE RAD SHRED GNAR
Damn. Is anyone going to O'malley on Saturday?

why dont you come with us?


Not allowed.


edit: But is anyone still skating Saturday? I am.

linden. what time are you guys heading up? there is parking. i think we are leaving 7 could follow...

Tuure Pineapple said:
Jack one post is enough. Most likely no one here is, because everyone is going to a sick event.
Also so fuckin keen, so fuckin keen. Can someone tell me where the station is Exactly. Also is there parking there?
probs try to get out of canberra about 6.30 hen so we get a parking spot near the top.
no its really hard and you can miss the turn up real easy.

Oi boys im in!

Pick me up tomorrow bro!

shit, think the cars full you have any spots tuure?


Nah bro you owen james me?
+rhys and some dude hen knows... spewn'... could round up ash and split between two cars?

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