ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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Yeah its shit weather here to. I can't do Tuesday dude sorry its melbourne cup day and I will have a massive day at work . Though I will be on holidays as of Tuesday so time should free up a lot more.
this is the worst skate trip ever, fog didn't lift till 11.30, went and sussed megalong, it's 5 mins from where i'm staying', it's beautiful, but i didn't ride it cause it was wet as, started to dry out after lunch, i was busting for a skate so skated this lookout, it's a loop road steep on both sides, was practicing cornering, lost it and ran up the arse of a parked car, coped a towball to the chest smacked my face, i'm on the ground spiting up blood, thought i broke my ribs, winded as, and to top it off, the ambo was a free boarder!
i'm okay though, didn't end up going to hospital, pretty sure no major damage done, sore as though!
shame you didn't get that for your doco luke!
at least it's just the chest, you can still ride with sore ribs!
bloody rain.
an eventful trip to the blue mountains for u henry....yo nearly didnt come back...

Forget the leathers Henry Hears your new kit
yeh that suit might save you from towbars.....
nice one dave, i reckon you're on to a winner there!
hopefully it won't rain next time.
very early sunday morning blacko sesh lads? i have a bit of stuff to do, so i might not get out to apollo...
yeah dude, towbars are a bitch! lucky i had my trusty stackhat......

Benbro said:
yeh that suit might save you from towbars.....
Fuck dude, thats hektik... Glad ur ok man.. wouldnt want any provocative anti-longboarding fucks saying "SEE WHAT HAPPENS!" or shit like that. Good on ya man

Henry King said:
yeah dude, towbars are a bitch! lucky i had my trusty stackhat......

Benbro said:
yeh that suit might save you from towbars.....
Hahahahahahahah that would have been killer for the doco, though I'm glad you are ok were you trying to do a Standup slide?
And hell yeah I'm keen for the Sunday sess. We have a minute left to edit on the 7min doco and I have to much stuff there is absolutely no way i can fit it all into that time frame. But I will make an extended one for everyone outside of Uni which includes all the goodness not just some of it. Can't wait to show y'all.
By they way theres Dave.
gonna do another early blacko sesh, 7 am sunday at the tippy top!
i have monday off, had to work on tuesday, so if anyone's keen.....
I will be there for Sunday.
So I gather tomorrow morning is still a goer?

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