ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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yeah black mt is definitely not dry...checked it out this morning.

i'm up for blacko morning sessions...but why so early? I've gone at all hours of the day with little to no traffic each time...

Black mountain tower is a major tourist attraction in canberra so it can get quite busy at times with people wanting to visit. And we can't predict when that will be. Going early in the morning before the tower is open to the public minimises risk of us encoutering traffic and the local constabulary. As far as I know you are the only person to encounter police on the hill and that was during the day. Also many of us have day jobs that we have to go to. Hitting the hill early lets us skate AND go to work. Well that's my reasoning behind it.
Makes perfect sense. Looking forward to the next...


see yoos all at the fountain at two suckas

we have been hasseled by the man before, usually when we have a decent sized crew hitting it during the day, now we're like ninjas, invisible!

and give me a better way to start the day!

see you at 2

Hey guys so I think we should do an omally session today from 4.30osh till later!
Sounds rad...I'll skate if I can get a ride and be back by 630...
Nah, bruce tomorrow from fourish ye-ha
Sorry man I am working!
Are we still doing discovery on friday?
YES before 12 though
sure are man, but i was to understand we were going at like 4. can someone send me a PM with the google map, cant find it for some reason.

Lachlan Cashman said:
Are we still doing discovery on friday?

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