ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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hey guys,

started a year back with a mate, but he bailed bout 4 months ago

and i'm sick of going solo. but it did teach me i was an arse and a grom.


would love to join the canberra crew and learn from the greats. peace.

yeah Dave, you're not an arse, you're just a man grom!


i've been sick as a leper, did anyone else catch the nasty spew flu from pump station?

any skating going down this weekend? hopefully i'll be better enough to shred.....

owens race is shaping up to be a cracker!

heaps good!

yeah I caught that aswell put me in bed for 2 days, so GLYDE is sending me another board to give away, this one is a secret prototype.


the race will be epic, looking for vollunteers, anyone that helps out will be looked after and will eb able to ride the hill. not everyone will be able to help out though.

i am willing to help out :D


also, is the glyde drop down symmetrical and is it a decent freerider?

you might be a little too young to help out man, but you should def come and watch, it'll get you stocked out watching four dude zoom past at high speeds.


the glyde is not symmetrical but its ok for free riding probs not for you as you are very light, I would look at things like the DADDOW platypus or something like that, but if you are looking for something inbetween free riding and DH look at the comet LOKI its a good board a little shorted then most DH boards so it might be better for you.


well I gotta go be rad laters

Race sounds like fun, been busy with other stuff and not much skate time lately. Unfortunately I'll have to miss the race cause I will be stuck on a boring 2 week snowboard trip in NZ :)



Owen, has the drop got like wedge/dewedge or whatever or is it the shape? btw yeah ill come watch the race too

the drop has a small dewedge thing going on, it is a tank of a board, i've had mine for years, treated it like crap, ridden in the rain, crashed into heaps of stuff. it is one of the most stable and sturdy boards i've ridden.


yeah its wedged and dewedged, the pan itself is symemtrical.
Anyone up for some hills today? Back in canberra and need to test my new setup out ;)
what do you have?
Nemesis with paris 190s and purp durians, green/orange venom cones. it standies like a boss bro

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