ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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hey guys, at the moment wee-J is me, lachy and dan, 2 spots left for anyone keen but will have to text be tonight or early tomorrow.


as hen said before. lets try keep the canberra sessions thread just for posting things relevant to the group.for back and forth between 2 people use PM or wall.

Calling shot gun in hen's car right now. SHOTGUN!!!
So is anyone going to weeJ today? I have other stuff on but thought I may drop out for a while if anyones going...
Yeah we are headed out now.
weejay was super epic today, henry you need to ride these hills they are made for it!

yeah boys, i'm sure it beats the hell out of shitty corporate audio!


what I did on tuesday


Friggin sick missus.

Coulda picked a day i didnt want to skate.

I'd be up for an outlaw and hitting up the hop school but I'll be in darwin all holidays soaking up the warmth. 

Anyone up for a skate on wednesday arvo? I neeeed hills. Flatland freeriding around dickson is getting repetitive. 

Also, just curious if the kids I saw hitting up that carpark ramp are on here or just randoms. Let me know, random kids. I could teach you stuff.
Which car park?

Put together some of the footage collected over the last two sessions.

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