ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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fuck its gunna be sweet boards and other gear.
ohh a race.. shame both my boards are flexy
Don't stress it, a fair number of the guys on here including myself are willing to lend boards and stuff if you're psyched to join in.

And if not mistaken you're the kid with the moray right? 
If so for the brief 5 seconds I tried it seemed fairly stiff for a flexy board you'd maybe even be fine with that 

Point is more people more fun so everyone should be there

Also anyone up for anything thursday?, I'm mad keen
ohh that sounds good. yeah the moray is stiff-ish but its slow as fuck xD

you will want a very stiff DH board for this race. will be pretty intense.


all you little bitches will need to man up also fullface is needed for this race do not need to call your parents cause your dead.

Well you can count me in if I can get my hands on a full face

I've been mad keen to try step it up speed wise, wee J or somewhere trip in the near near future???
yeah good shit man, good fullface can be had for $90 netti instinct is a great helmet and you may be able to get one cheaper online.

i got a fullface i can lend out for the day. its no pretty, but its very safe.


the one i use is not safe, but is pretty. 

Detail is you need a fullface. That means the road is probably fast and capable of throwing you off. Come either way even if its just to hang out a share in some stoke! Also WEDNESDAY SESH!!!!! Keen for more DH. GET ON IT CLINTS!
there will be more details when I have them to give you. this will be getting a write up in heelside and loads of pics.
I'll try make it to the wednesday session, got a math final in the morning but thats my final test for the term so I'm good for a solid 5 weeks after that.
So far the plan for wednesday is meet at O'malley around 12 for slide times/get everyone together in one place. Then at around 12:30-1 head out to some fun times. Should point out that a full face at least is a good idea if not leathers too...

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