ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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Yeah Bruce car parks (Bruce faaaarkmyancles).

They were heaps sick.

Im working tomorrow and the weekend, but keen for a skate friday morning-midarvo.

Also, new computer is up and running with premier pro, so im planning a video called YOU CANT SKATE HERE

Anyone keen for a day of getting kicked out of places let me know. song 4

Lachlan Cashman said:

Yeah Bruce car parks (Bruce faaaarkmyancles).

They were heaps sick.

Im working tomorrow and the weekend, but keen for a skate friday morning-midarvo.

Also, new computer is up and running with premier pro, so im planning a video called YOU CANT SKATE HERE

Anyone keen for a day of getting kicked out of places let me know. 

im keen to head out to wee-j this weekend we found a shortcut... should only be an hour drive to the hills. anyone keen, they are some awesome runs nothing too crazy maybe 60k if you really push it, but lots of nice corners.

can't this week end but can deffs do next weekend.
skate skate skate?
I can skate a little today...anybody want to have a slide session at the spot in ANU? Butter pavement, nice and traffic if we go before 3:30. Daniel I still have your tool...

Yeah Aaron ill be there, you down owen?

Say, 12ish?

Dude that sounds perfect. See you at 12. Here's the location for those who don't know and would wish to join...

12 it is boys

Fun sesh today! Big farewell to Aaron!

My question is where the hell has Ash gone? More thrash with the Ash i say. and Rysc stop getting high and come skate!.

AND we need to get this slide jam up and happening! I leave on the 5th and dont wanna miss it!! be happy to help organise/ scout locations or whatever needs doing. 

hey lads i'm going to be seshing some tranny, probably eddison today around lunchtime, hit me if you're keen to join!


Shame to see Aaron go, hope you had a good time here bro.


As far as I know Ash is a whiny little bitch with a full time job and Rhysc is slowly becoming a park rat. I say we kidnap both of them and hit the hills again on Wednesday. I neeeeeed to go fast again! Should totally make a full day a radness again. Bomb hills all day then chill at the park/slide sesh after, maybe have a few fine ales/meads too. Shit would be rad! But I'd settle for just bombing some hills on Wednesday. I just wanna skate.

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