ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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Can't do a city sesh on thursday and I'm working both days on the weekend :( Super keen to hit up wee-j though

City is the city.

Sesh is a sesh.

Therefor, a sesh, located, in, the, ci, ty.

Hey lachlan, I was wondering, I heard a lot about this, I was wondering which foot is better to stop with? I feel the need to ask you as you're the most knowledgable and least temperamental. Help me out?
Also which way does the helmet go?




Lachlan Cashman said:

City is the city.

Sesh is a sesh.

Therefor, a sesh, located, in, the, ci, ty.

Right here.

Keen for a blacko run this saturday morning if anyones down

also be down for an Omalley sesh after! around 9am -ish

Anyone up for either of those? or better yet, both! 

Uni just got all kinds of fucked up intense but I'll do my best to make it to O'malley saturday.

i have an 18th friday night, so i'll probably just stay up and bring all the excess grog to the Omalley sesh. lets fuckin do it!

and exams are done, who's shredding this week i'm keen to get on the board

Aaron 'googlemaps' Baygell.

I also wanna go skate mount plesant and red hill.

Down for blacko!
photos and footage coming soon!
I want them NOW though...

Daniel Bailey said:
photos and footage coming soon!

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