ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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K friday is good for me.
Will be there for my first sessshhhhhhh if I'm not working
I think id be able to make a friday sesh... where and what time?
I'd hazard a gues at 5:30 near the fountain. Does that bode well with every one?
that bodes well with me!
Wicked. May have a few more groms tagging along but not sure yet.
hey who's coming to our outlaw this weekend? we have seats available....
Now I know someone has to be keen for some shredding this week. I'm free any time and I'm keen to make up for my absence at kangaroo valley.
dude, i would love to come skate, but my body huuuuurts! i'va actually got a hectic week this week and am going to the coast this weekend, but i'll try squeeze a sesh in maybe thurs? dont hold me to it though....i'll do my best!
thursday OMally sesh works for me.

Owen said:
thursday OMally sesh works for me.
Wait. Just realised I'm busy in the city till like 6:30 so I won't be able to get to Omalley till like 7. Civic thursday and Omalley Friday? (even though henry can't come :( )

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