ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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RhysC said:
way to bail everyone! lol scared of a bit of rain?
i'm getting too old for this! spastic winter!
Hey there everyone. Just thought I'd drop a quick hello here as I'm new to this forum and the whole DH boarding thing in general. My name is James and I'm looking at getting a board in the near future after having ridden some mates ones. When are you guys next meeting up and would I be able to tag along and maybe try a few boards out to see what I like? Currently leaning heavily toward a drop down/through for a bit of DH and carving but it never hurts to check all the options ;). Anyway, I look forward to meeting some of you fellows and riding a board of my very own very soon very fast :).
cool dude, righto lads you heard the man, time for a sesh! when, where, i'm cool any night except tonight. keen to ride, have missed the last few......
i propose civic....
Friday night work for you fellows? I'm busy every other night this week. Civic is good. I may bring a mate or two as well.
im good for friday night...
friday sounds sick
I propose a tree day sesh thing where by we sesh wednesday thursday and friday.
wednesday in o'malley would be good if someone can drive me.

Owen said:
I propose a tree day sesh thing where by we sesh wednesday thursday and friday.
should be able to swing that, so guys looks like its omally wednesday and civic thursday and friday.
I just realised I have a dinner tomorrow, can we make omally thurs?

Owen said:
should be able to swing that, so guys looks like its omally wednesday and civic thursday and friday.
sure ya big baby! wednesday civic thursday Omally friday civic.

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