ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

gday,  am startin play with bushings on my kahas , its a bugger to get alot to fit , i got a selection of double barrel khiros and venom , advice and experiences appreciated. cheers

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they come with venoms, pretty sure they're made to fit venoms
i bought mine 2nd hand and they had khiros on em , all the pics on the official website are photod with khiros , id like advice on people who HAVE  some , and have played with the bushings , have tried double barrel venoms , they are a #unt to get on , no room left to put the nut on the kingpin ,
ps nice vid tom

play around with green and reds, this should sort you out, i ued to ride double greens on the bck and a green boadside on the front with a red, for gangsta lean at speed, but bro they were 204mm kahas on a do thur and i weigh 70, best bet is to never mix them up to much (3-4 different bushing) keep the harder compound to the back and practice hey

sweet cheers rob , yah i gottem droped on a praxis , tehyre 204,s also , can you remember how long your kingpin was ? am wondering if i need one a little longer ?
ah yeah i got a washer on the bottom , ill check that out
yeah robbo hooked me up some titanium kingpins , cant remember the length though, flipin the kingpin is a good idea too, 2 washers on eash bro, precision trucks are always a cunt to man handle cause all the components are so tight,
yeah im findin that out haha , you reckon i could get away with shimmyin a bit off each with a sharp knife ?
cheers for the info rob , with a bit of patience added in i managed to get em on , but with the bottom washer off , whats ya thoughts on that ?

Rob Mcwhinnie said:
yeah robbo hooked me up some titanium kingpins , cant remember the length though, flipin the kingpin is a good idea too, 2 washers on eash bro, precision trucks are always a cunt to man handle cause all the components are so tight,

i bought mine from kahalani recently and they came with 2 sets of green and 2 sets of red venom barrells, they fit great.


i wouldnt mess around with em too much man, keep it simple, try removing the bottom washer if you need more room on the kingpin, my bolt only barely pokes out of the nut.


thanks jay.

ok cheers tom :)

after gettin the two front ones on , i can feel a considerable flatspot when center , i mean when i lean i can real a big difference when the hanger starts to lean against the bushing , almost like a small jolt , seemed alot smoother transition with the khiros , maybe just a wear in thing perhaps ?




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