ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

I have had my Bears on my Landyachtz Evo ever since i baught it back in 2009.
Now that i finally want to remove the trucks from the board the nut has somehow rusted onto the bolt and i cant get the whole base plate off because of 1 dodgy nut and bolt problem. :(

Can someone please help me with my problem as i really need to take the trucks off the board.

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cut the bolt, or put wd40 on it and leave it a day

how the hell am i supposed to cut the bolt?


Wedge a hacksaw between the nut and baseplate and start sawing?

i cant fit it in there


if its rusted some weight on it could snap it but your better off just using wd40 or some kind of grease to loosen it up

hope it helps!

drill it!


through the head of the screw (through the top). start with a small size drill bit and keen increasing the size until it drills off the head of the screw.

If it is a hardened bolt (black steel), you could damage the base plate or the board by hacksawing, besides the hardened bolt will just spin around under the saw.

Try WD40 or Penetrene to lubricate the bolt.

Be patient, it might take a day or two for the oil to get through.

Another trick is to try tightening it a little bit first.


Failing that, and as a last resort, remove the hangar, and bushes and use an angle grider (dangerous) or a bench grinder to cut the head of the bolt off, or cut the nut off.

Use eye protection with grinders!

If you are stuck for grinders, a good quality file to the nut should do it, but expect some scaring of the base-plate from the filing or grinding.

Elliot O said:

Wedge a hacksaw between the nut and baseplate and start sawing?

Good Maintenance of your gear will also help prevent this from happening.


hammer break the nut off


drill it out


hacksaw...... cut it


anglegrinder the nut off


pliers and move the nut from side to side untill it gets loose enough to cut or until it snaps
get your teeth amongst it
theres sum shit u can get from bunnings made for this... nut freeze or sum shit, wateva it is it loosens the nuts from the bolts... if it works on industrial sized nuts ud think it'd work for your skatey

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