ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

So I'm buying a nemesis from overseas, but only want trucks and the deck, and believe it or not it's actually cheaper to buy it as a complete 0_0

So what i thought I'd do, if anyone had wheels they want to buy, I will order it with them and you can pay me back ^.^


Requests below, Thanks!!

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loaded durians would be nice how much are they and you go to my school haha btw
how much for some in heats orange? im in melbourne aswell

what site are you getting it off


stocked is alot cheaper btw

Callum van den Enden said:
The Rayne site.

steve hardy said:

what site are you getting it off


I'm sure you'd be able to get what you want in Oz for a similar or better price, unless you have someone over there bringing it back for you. What price you paying including postage and exchange charges?
have you checked that is free shipping outside of canada? they normally charge like 80 bucks so it is odd if they are giving that much of a discount after the debacle with the xmas sale shipping
its 178 for the deck on and shipping was like a flat rate of 20 for a while not ssure if it still is
If that includes shipping you have done very well. It usually cost well over US$100 to ship a complete from Canada.

Callum van den Enden said:
Including postage for a Nemesis Deck, Randal 180's and Durians it will cost $335 to my doorstep. If you can do it cheaper let me know!

Adrian Alderson said:
I'm sure you'd be able to get what you want in Oz for a similar or better price, unless you have someone over there bringing it back for you. What price you paying including postage and exchange charges?
Not to Oz it wouldn't be. That would have to be to the US or Canada

steve hardy said:
its 178 for the deck on and shipping was like a flat rate of 20 for a while not ssure if it still is
it was to oz for a while hey dont you own cre8tive skate?
sure do. sitting here waiting for the power to go off (;-)>

steve hardy said:
it was to oz for a while hey dont you own cre8tive skate?
hope you come through it fine ado! best of luck



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