ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Hey guys


Quick question, whats your thoughts on a abec 11 gumballs?

Good for sliding, downhill or just a good all round wheel?


Cheers Altus

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my mate uses them for DH, super super super fast wheel. no joke, he can catch me when i have a solid 10-15 second start. good on really long runs, smooth rolling, not all that good to slide on. 78a rox bro. get em.

mine turned to reflex thane after a while (1-2weeks) of sliding
shit was fucked

gumballs used to be a pretty common wheel, but not so much anymore, the newer "slalom" style wheel shapes offer a much better all round performance. I would recommend you Grab yourself some classic thane bigzigs instead mate

Just putting it out there, maybe your mate is a better rider than you regardless of his wheels?

Maximus Heaton said:

my mate uses them for DH, super super super fast wheel. no joke, he can catch me when i have a solid 10-15 second start. good on really long runs, smooth rolling, not all that good to slide on. 78a rox bro. get em.

yeah after reading what i wrote some people would come to conclusion but when he runs his zig zags i can beat him with me, those gumballs a fast.

im selling some 78a gumballs if anyone is interested, freshish

wheels dont make you fast. you make you fast

im not going to third that, when hugh uses big zigs, i can catch him, when he uses 90mm reflys i cant. someone explain that.

obviously jacko has no fucking idea what he is talking about! where does he get off making comments like that. seriously what sort of experience could he possibly have that would make him say that?  



if you do get gumballs, dont get the 84a's...

well if your going down a really long and straight fast hill the roll speed from the larger diameter flywheels would account for a higher top-speed, so in THEORY the 90mm flys would 'out-roll' the gumballs, but that would be only in the instance that both of you were of equal skill, with equal tuck and equal everything...


however if you knew how to draft and had a better tuck (or if you were on a road with corners, had better lines) you would 'out-roll' your buddy.


hence: Wheels dont make you faster, you make you faster.


Example: When Merrick challenged me to a race for my board, we had to ride each other's board. My setup included 75mm 80a In Heats. his included 78a 70mm race forms. The hill started off with a long straight and fast drop. In theory, the In Heats were the winner for that section as their roll-speed was better, so i had trouble picking off his draft. i noticed the difference compared to me riding those wheels picking off someone with a smaller wheel (or a wheel of the same type). Thankfully i was able to outskill him and had a better tuck and took better lines through the following corners and was able to catch him and claim his board as my own. The drafting technique was difficult and took longer to catch and pass than anticipated due to the fact that the wheels he was riding were bigger and more suited to faster speeds, however i was able to beat him because im just faster. Keep in mind this was a board i have never stepped foot on before, and wheels i have never ridden previously.


So there you go, wheels do not make you faster, you make you faster.



Maximus Heaton said:

im not going to third that, when hugh uses big zigs, i can catch him, when he uses 90mm reflys i cant. someone explain that.

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