ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

It is with deep regret that I have to announce the death of a member of the downhill community, and a special friend.

Sue Wickenden was riding Mt Cootha this morning with a multi-discipline group of riders when she failed to negotiate a bend in the road. It appears she has gone under the guard rail and has died at the scene.

My thoughts are with her family (especially her son Ben), her partner (Brad Sterritt) and all her many friends, especially those who were with her this morning.

Sue died, as I would like to, doing what she loved.

RIP Sue, may there be many great roads to ride wherever you are and may they all be smooth as silk.

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I am choked up by this. Sue had a shining light inside, and was passionate about the sport. Its so sad to hear that she is gone. I saw her just recently at Collingrove.

I'll miss you Sue.

A sad day for all that knew her, and she will be missed. RIP Sue.

It is very sad to hear. I hope her family are doing alright.

Thoughts to everyone. Sorry I jumped the gun ado. I heard on the radio.

very sad day, she will be missed

Awful. So sorry to Brad, Ben and all of Sues family and friends. Really sad news.

Much love to everyone involved expecially the family, RIP

Even though I didnt know her. This is still really sad, rip.

totally shocked!,so sorry to all the people close to her,....such a sad day,she will be remember for the great things she has done for the community,

Those of us that have ridden with Sue would agree Ado. Went doing what she passionately loved to do, surrounded by the love of her peers! Ride hard in heaven Sue!

You will be greatly missed Sue, you have done so much for the community and will remembered for just that. Always willing to help people out, always up for a laugh and fun.   Rest in Peace Lady Sue .  xox

I have just got home and i just wanted to say how surreal it has been this morning on the hill , we need to support Brad now as he is new to brisbane having just moved to be with Sue last weekend. RIP Sue xxx , the crew served each other well this morning and the support to each other was amazing , lets just hope the media doesn't turn your loss into a frenzied headline grabber

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