ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Huge Huge Thankyou to Ado at Cre8ive and Franca at Extreme for looking after the riders.
Also Red Frogs for the BBQ.
It was a beautiful winter day and at least 5 people were bleeding by noon. There was already some carnage in practice and we knew that throughout the day there would be a lot more! Everybody started showing up at about 9:30 and everything was setup around 10. Cheers to everyone that helped out setting up mattresses.

The grommets started racing at around 10:30 and there promised to be some great racing from the young shredders. They had 3 rounds of qualifying and then finals started. All the groms were doing well especially Ryan B, Lewis C, Connor F and Gemma for kicking some groms asses! YEW! Soon it was the semi-finals, in the first head of semi’s Connor F had a bad crash into a tree and had separated his shoulder. He was out for the rest of the day.
eh today was pretty shtty haha. -Connor(OhNo!)F
Watching the pace of the grom heats blew me away and impressed everybody with how close they were riding and not coming unstuck. The grom final saw Lewis, Ryan and Ruddy battle it out and I totally missed it but heard it was epic! Ben Wa took out the consi final by punching groms and throwing gravel which are acceptable race tactics and Gemma let em all know there's a contender on the way. Look out Katie!
My highlights included watching the Monkey brothers battle it out through the corners as if they were riding the same board and chilling with the Gymps at the top before the semifinals. Pete and Benbro turned up with stories of epic early morning twisty runs and Benbro started a few races, Thankyou very much! Also a HUGE thanks to Davin & Emily for looking after rego and the tallies. Dirk and Geoff for minding the corners, Hugh for starting the grom races, Ash and Dirk for filming and photographing it all and everybody else that lent a hand.
Jayden and Pokey made the semi's in a tight race beating out Ghost Rider and Jack. The semis were a star studded affair with Skittles and Conor being the only unsponsored riders in a field of local rippers.
Anyway the finals!  Mike took off in front and Myles quickly passed then Matthys cut through the middle and it was neck, neck and neck! Wheels clipped and Mike went down! Myles went on to win and win again the next day at Mt Gravity. Good one Myles!
There will be a points tally in Sunshine skate society and another race soonish hopefully in Gympie...Thanks again everybody who made it out it was a FUNday and excellent to see how many runs everybody got.

Views: 98

Premium Member
Comment by Connor Ferguson on August 21, 2011 at 22:29
Yewww! cheers arbi

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