ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

BOARD ELECTION - Special General Meeting!

Thanks to everyone who tuned in to our AGM last week!

For those who didn't you can find the full replay on our facebook page or on our youtube account here:

If you are up to speed, you would know that the board has had some recent resignations from Thea and Hop. 

We cant thank them enough for the work they have done for our association and we wish them all the best for the future! 

We now have the task at hand to fill their positions in a timely manner, so we will be hosting a Special General Meeting Live streamed via our socials on the 20th of May (2 weeks from now) to announce the positions of the current and new board members.

If you would like to apply for a position please fill out the form online via this link:

Temporarily the current board will compose the positions of:

President - Zak Mills-Goodwin

Vice Pres - Neil Duddy

Secretary - Imi McMillian 

General Board - Chris Morsley

General Board - Vannessa Bosnich 

Thank you for your support, we will be in touch soon! 

- The ASRA Board

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