The 2007 Conehead Cup kicked off in great style with 29 riders from around Australia making it a truly national event.
It was a tough course, with plenty of riders spraying cones everywhere, but Haggy Strom was able to pip Steve Daddow with his last run of the day, despite suffering from the flu.
After the slalom a wild variety of events took place - luge, hill bombing, and the crowd favourite - high jump.
But the event…
Click here for the full storyAdded by Bugs on April 29, 2007 at 23:30 — No Comments
As Chris M noted, our races are starting to look very pro. Not only do we have a timing system, we now have a portable start ramp courtesy of the BTS workshop.
And the times are getting closer. Congrats to Haggy for staying ahead of the pack, but that pack is getting very crowded and is slowly starting to catch up.
Thanks again to Mountain Mick for arriving early and sweeping the course, to Mick Mulhall for repairing the timing system (that he broke), and to…
Click here for the full storyAdded by Bugs on October 22, 2006 at 23:30 — No Comments
The story of the day was WIND - a howling gale that made some runs blisteringly fast, and others like swimming through molasses. Mick Mulhall offended the slalom gods and went down early - heal up dude!
Today was also the race christening of the BTS start ramp - a great addition.
Very close times across the top four.
Added by Bugs on October 8, 2006 at 23:30 — No Comments
Our "first-Sunday-of-the-month" rule has suffered a bit lately due to conflicting schedules and a sentiment that once a month 'aint enough, so a few of us found ourselves racing on a Saturday in the middle of the month. Why not?
Again the dual was between second and third, with the last run of the day settling the score. Many thanks to Mountain Mick for sweeping the course early, and congrats to Josh for making the course for the first time and then jumping for…
Click here for the full storyAdded by Bugs on September 16, 2006 at 23:30 — No Comments
Postponed a day due to rain, we finally got rolling on the holiday Monday. Groundhangers hit the ground hard, Paul Carey arrived from the Central Coast and immediately showed everybody how to attack the course, and Haggy arrived late, but not too late to cruise into 1st place.
Added by Bugs on June 12, 2006 at 23:30 — No Comments
A tough course was set in anticipation of the steep and gnarly hill at Bangalow, the site of the upcoming National titles. There were a lot of nervous faces after trying to make the big offsets on the fastest part of the course, but in the end just about everybody figured out the line to take, and started running the course clean.
ResultsAdded by Bugs on April 30, 2006 at 23:30 — No Comments
Great day, great turn-out, super stoke from everybody. More racing to come...
ResultsAdded by Bugs on March 26, 2006 at 23:30 — No Comments
Added by Bugs on December 3, 2005 at 22:30 — No Comments
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