ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

A major problem has recently occured for bombsquad. Carpark security is getting smarter, they've figured out our weekly routine! The other day when we went to enter blackminers there was a security gaurd at the door, we went round to the back entrance and found another waiting for us. This is starting to occure more often, not only in blackminers but also in entertainment centre etc. We need to figure out a way around these problems. Any suggestions would do, opinions are open.




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Just a random thought: hold bombsquad on different nights.
Example: thursday one week, then monday the next, then wed, fri, tues and etc.
Instead of it being the same day each week we have it set to shift in a cycle. If they catch on to that then we shift it around or just pick new spots.
Good idea but the only fault is keeping track of it with other skaters, showing up the wrong days and new guys not knowing when. I guess a change of night would be good
Could have a schedule posted on scbs with like a calendar showing days we skate and whatnot.
Everyone who skates with us should be on there anyway. The rest would just be word of mouth.

simple hold it first monday of the month

then hold it second tuesday of the month

after that hold it on the third wednesday of the month

and then on the last thursday!


we could just find two days that work for everyone and just alternate between them randomly and post them before each night

They figured out our secret arrangement of every Thursday at the same time! It only took them two years....


I think the options would be to change the day (if so, Caspian's suggestion is pretty good) or just make an effort to find new sites. Personally I think finding new locations is the way to go. Leave the old ones alone for a while and then only go there occasionally.


The alternative of just continuing to do the same thing will probably mean the police do start taking an interest in us from the number of angry calls from carpark security. I don't think we really want to become a target...


By the way, was a pretty impressive sight watching the whole squad come past last week (couldn't stay - had family Christmas stuff to do)

Haha so true :D But why not just change car parks? I mean there are a shit loads of them so why not spend a bomb squad run trying some new car parks?


Dave R said:

They figured out our secret arrangement of every Thursday at the same time! It only took them two years....



I work for a parking company and pretty much know every car park in the city.

Car parks i havent tried but wanted to inc-

shepard st (syd uni)
Citipark - city south/west (no staff)
Quay West - rocks (no staff)
Angel Place - Pitt st (enter via recital hall)

Can one tell me if these car parks are a good ride?

Shepard st? is that the symour centre? thats an old skate huant from way back, security are tight.

Angel place, has rough ramps and heaps of flats

 the others dunno.

I like the idea of running it two nights a week but even then the security wont take long to figure out that we always turn up at the same days, a better plan would be to change up the nightly route each week, hit different places at different time 2 nights a week and regularly change what time we go to each car park, keeps meeting times constant and keeps security on there feet. Also, if one specific place is getting smart maybe we should stay away for a few weeks?


Could work, but they'll still know it's Thursday and be expecting us. It's only a 3 hour window we're talking about.

Surely a better option would be to spread out the use of certain spots.  Dont go to the same places each week so you maybe only end up at blackminers once a month. After not showing up for two weeks they'll think they've won and give up waiting for you... 

Could mix both different days and different spots? Use caspians idea and hit up new spots on the thursday sessions, and then on the other days hit up old spots?



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