ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

I think most people on here will be familiar with the kids show Totally Wild. 

Today they went longboarding! lol. they were out with a crew from SA. I will try and find a link to the episode, its a laugh.



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god damn, its not on the ten website yet, if somebody finds it before me please post it.
Sheesh, Now I remember why I dont have a television. I had to switch off just at the point where they were explaining to that irritating bird that longboarding is for 'hanging ten'.

cheers nic


haha, see how the pros do it!!!!
its nice to see us getting decent press..... but but.... but.. somehow i feel there should have been an example where they are blasting down a hill and bust a huge shutdown. just to visually prove we can stop you know, an example of control

who were those kooks they got to do this segment? i rekon she was as good as them, and she only just started that day...


pretty shit house if you ask me, they made longboarding look... gay

lame fluff.... complete with stinkbug montage haha

yeah when it first started I was expecting it to be about longboard surfers but I ran to the telly to check in incase it was about skating, I got there just in time to see that dud with the psycho skate deck on the screen an my stomach dropped.


those guys need to be schooled, bad. does anyone know them?

there was stinkbuging .....

It doesnt make ant difference what gear they are using, thats irrelevant. The Skateboard does not maketh the man. Its the 'cruising' and 'hanging ten' and stinkbug styles I find stomach churning. but yeah anyway it was for a kids TV show right, so who cares? I bet the fellas in that wee film were stoked, they may have even got to touch the lady presenter... pretty much every instance of skateboarding on Television makes me burp and feel like hacking, mostly cos television is a vile grief ridden thing.


Here the bob Burnquist section from Extremely sorry, most incredible bit of skate film ever He accelerates up to and exceeding 60kmh on that ramp....

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