ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

What is the weighting for the front and back feet? I've read much on how pumpers will weight and un-weight their feet to create the pump. However its still a bit strange to me. Is the weight distribution still most forward and the back foot is just pushing the pulling the board or will the weight be transferred to the back foot at the apex of the pump?

I'm pumping a board with a longer  wheel base thus my pumps are larger and carvier like in LDP thus I'd like them to be as efficient as possible.

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Flats and slight inclines are fine. Slightly steeper hills are still a struggle (those videos on paved waves make it look so easy). I have a bennet wedged 10* front with an 83a cone road and two 85a cones fat sides together on the boardside. I still need to fix up my rear setup. I currently have a 42 randal wedged to 37 though I'll be purchasing a 35 and wedging it to 25 this week. I have double 90a divine barrels in them. I have a feeling they are too hard as I weight 59 kg. Thanks for all the advice cheers. 


P.S Bugs I was already intending to attend church of slalom however I haven't gotten around to asking for its where abouts 

Bugs said:
With a 26" wheelbase you can easily pump along the flat - no hill needed. A hill will just confuse the issue.

Come to the pump st the weekend after next and you can get some pumping tips from the folks there.
Blue Mountains, PM bugs or mountain mick for details

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