ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Me and my nemmy are going backpacking. Packing light, so I've got no protective gear with me and was wondering if anyone knew some nice chill freeride hills on the sunny coast. I'm craving some smooth bitumen with a good but not crazy gradient to standy down. If you can help me out drop a comment or message me, thanks! Others to skate with also welcome.

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how long ya there for? might be able to come chill with ya. Im in caboolture on the 14th
I'm around mooloolaba area, and not for long just a couple more days then back to byron bro. Ash you should come live it up down there for a while ;)
dude, i live in byron

Hey, I was skating in Byron yesterday, anyone wanna PM roads in the area for DH with a few bends?

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