ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

''At the risk of one day being chased down and beaten by a mob of outraged laides (which I might kind of like, who knows) this is an ultimate segregation of the skateboarding community. Skaters, who are prodominately guys have always welcomed and encouraged girls to come to sessions, races and events in an endevour to get more girls into the community, sport and scene. I feel that girls have always been welcomed and supported in the skate scene and I feel that this is a positive thing. I am all for female equality and power but when woman segregate themselves and treat themselves differently from the men, well not only are they doing themselves a dis-favour by doing so they are also showing that both genders have members who are somewhat if not entirely sexist. I encourage all female skaters to attend this event but not because it is a girls only event but because it is an opportunity to ride 2 awesome roads in what is a beautiful country. If you haven't been to Slovenia before then I encourage you more so. I would never dream of putting on a male only event and I hope that no other guy would either because I beleive that the ultimate beauty of skating is skating with friends and I have friends who are both male and female and would like to skate and spend time with both genders. Daniel Hawes does not support community segregation and I do not support woman setting woman back in the battle for equal rights and fair treatment which I beleive this sort of event does.''

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Some people have said I am wrong but some people have said I'm right. Like I have said to you, Julia agrees with me and she's a girl. Kaisa agrees with me and she's a girl. Gloria agrees with me and she's a girl.

I'm not saying all womans event's are wrong, don't take it the wrong way. In a competitive field then I understand that as a generalisation men have a natural edge in competition and I am all for womans brackets, divisions, heats and what have you. In an atmosphere which is non competitive though I don't see much good in having womans (or mens) only events. You don't need to be the best to have a good time and that's what a week long free ride is about.

You said, and so have others that it can be intimidating for girls to learn with a bunch of guys around which I can see and it's a good point. I am interested to hear from ACTUAL FEMALES though what they think and if they are intimidated by good guy skaters or just good skaters in general, male or female.

The 3 people that you have quoted are all guys and I'm not saying what any of you have said is wrong but I can name 3 girls who agree with my side too along with about 5 other guys.

If you want me to quote what Julia said: ''Why, when girls skate are they always representing the girls but why when guys skate they are just representing skaters and themselves?'' ''Other than guys being gross and loud, I would prefer to ride and learn with guys because I like their style much more than girl skaters and I would like to skate like that''. That is a girls opinion Jacko, which agrees with mine which doesn't make me right (and I'm not saying that) but unless your calling my girlfriend a retard, in which case I owe you a punch or 5 then I would say that I have a valid opinion.

the major point here (which you raised and seem to be now missing) is that girls STILL can skate with the boys. who said they couldnt? there is no where that says girls can not skate with boys... the thing here is you are against events that cater ONLY to girls and you feel they are wrong...?

if a girl does not want to go to a girl's only event and wants to be with  the boys, ride with the boys, and learn from the boys (or be better than the boys) then they can. there is nothing that is stopping them from doing so. However what you are saying is if that girls want to have their own skate days, their own learning experience, their own events for girls ONLY, that its wrong and they shouldnt because its not fair?

by your theory you are saying that the Maidens of Steeze groups that Lea has been organising (and drawing in so many girls to the skateboarding scene) is a bad idea and is separating men from women and saying the women arent good enough and they cant skate with the boys?

too many holes in your argument here mr Hawes

I like what Leigh said about sessioning differently too, had never really noticed that aspect before.

leighgriffiths said:

don't know if you've seen this - - but its clear the vibe amongst the crew whilst sessioning is very different to how the guy crews work. not good or bad, just different and thats because they are women. they should be able to enjoy longboarding the way they want to and if that means setting up events and sessions solely for the girls then who cares.

Yea, well put and we did get a bit off topic there. I know the girls can skate with the boys but this event is saying that the boys can't skate with the girls (for the event that is, not forever!). I'm not again'st events that cater for ONLY girls, but agains't events that cater for ONLY anyhing, male or female---

Maidens of steeze is a really good example, I haven't really been watching how many girls have been getting involved, is it a lot? If so good! Here in Finland there is a massive girls scene but no girls only things.

It isn't so much an argument although it was written as one I admit. It is more of a question I suppose which is, ''are girls intimidated when learning to skate by: A: Males B: Males that are really good C: Any gender that is really good

I know that it is probably personal preference and if a great deal of girls say that it is A or B then I can see how girls events are justified and a good thing. I am only working off discussions I have had and my own feelings towards learning new things around other people and gender isn't an issue for me but then again maybe I'm less likely to be intimidated by males because I am one?

Daily Grind told me:

''over the years we have run comps with girls sections. usually hardly any chicks rock up, so many organisations dropped the girls categories. recently girls from all over oz organised their own comp and had a really good turnout compared to mixed comps. it worked really well and had the biggest girl turnout eva''.

That's pretty good information for your side of the argument Jacko, though it is related to competitions but maybe that isn't so important?

Jacko said:

the major point here (which you raised and seem to be now missing) is that girls STILL can skate with the boys. who said they couldnt? there is no where that says girls can not skate with boys... the thing here is you are against events that cater ONLY to girls and you feel they are wrong...?

if a girl does not want to go to a girl's only event and wants to be with  the boys, ride with the boys, and learn from the boys (or be better than the boys) then they can. there is nothing that is stopping them from doing so. However what you are saying is if that girls want to have their own skate days, their own learning experience, their own events for girls ONLY, that its wrong and they shouldnt because its not fair?

by your theory you are saying that the Maidens of Steeze groups that Lea has been organising (and drawing in so many girls to the skateboarding scene) is a bad idea and is separating men from women and saying the women arent good enough and they cant skate with the boys?

too many holes in your argument here mr Hawes

dude are you high as fuck or what? your just now changing what you originally started to winge about...

are girls intimidated by A bla bla bla B bla bla bla C bla bla bla?

you first stated that womens only events are WRONG. they were your words. now your rambling on because you realise how much of a fool you are for saying it! just pack up and bail on it dude, ive never seem someone roast themselves publicly as bad as you have dude

In your own words: 

Daniel Hawes does not support community segregation and I do not support woman setting woman back in the battle for equal rights and fair treatment which I beleive this sort of event does dani. super mega ultimate mondo fail....

Do you know how research and science works Jacko? Basically a thought is brought up, people discuss opinions, research and experiences. Eventually a decision is come across. The beauty of a scientific theory is that it can always be changed or proved wrong. E=mc2 is being proven wrong as we speak. Of course this is not equal to Einstein but the same theory applies.

Since the beginning of this on here and on FB I have said that I am willing to be proven wrong and change my idea. Oscar, Leigh and yourself have made some pretty good points which I hadn't thought of before. I'm not afraid to say that I was wrong (I'm not saying it now either) and that is how you learn and understand things. I am saying now though, that maybe there are other things to take into account that I didn't before and the ONLY way to know those things is for people to mention them, as you have.

So, I am not saying that I am wrong but I am also not saying that I am right. I am saying that there are things I didn't think of. You have made some pretty good points on your opinion, I beleive I have made some good points on mine. I have spoken to roughly 10 people on the subject, which isn't a whole lot but at the moment it seems to be fairly split down the middle.

Subjects like this are pretty difficult because a LOT of it is personal preference.

just admit it dani, you were wrong to say womens only events are bad and wrong... all you gotta do bud! till then ur looking like a mondo kook

Haha, mondo Kook! I will wait until I hear some more from the females.. I'm keen to hear about the Maidens of steeze, I ahven't really paid much attention to it's happenings. I will admit that you have made some good points and you have brought up some things I didn't think about and maybe you are right. You would be a really good debator Jacko, you have to avoid the urge to say retard every line but other than that, I like your posts.

if i were in a formal debate of course i would change my wording, however for this sort of topic i feel the words i have chosen are incredibly appropriate.

im happy you like my posts. like you said before once in life "he is the type of guy that will back down when he is wrong and understands it" and right now that is not one of those times... so i will continue to debate with you on the topic until the proper (and rightous) conclusion is at hand

Haha, I like it. I have said that more than once believe me! Don't stop saying it, your posts have been really entertaining and far less stale than a debate.



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