ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

In WA HELLA grommets (who are no where near ready) are skating the faster, more techincal runs. Someone is going to get dead. In response to this, we are taking an Adelaide approach and banning the skating of some hills.

I'm sure groms are doing stupid shit all over the country as well. Lets scare em' into submission - Post your gnarliest crash/ injury.


Tags: crash, groms, injury, wa

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I guess i'll go first. 

Got broke off by crashing into a stone ditch/ wall. Fractured 2 vertebrae, a rib. Spinal board + ambo = a big bill. Its all the time spent recovering that really gets ya' though.

It's unlikely to work, Ian. Groms are incredibly skilled at ignoring good advice and continuing to do stupid crap. They also don't care about the expenses - their parents end up paying those....


But I never get tired of grossing people out with this:


11 months of no skating. It sucks. Don't go there.

Skating down a run, car turns right in front of me with no indication, sees me then slams on the brakes because he was spooked.  Ends up completely across the wrong side of the road and still blocking his side.  I smash through the passanger window head first (Thank you helmet).


Have a massive scar where I was slashed by glass on my left arm, scar on my eyebrow and the car door and window were written off.  Nice little bill there...


That happened on a slow run, imagine if it had been twice or three times faster...

Saw my mate smash a guard rail shoulder first, broke his collar bone his ribs and his back. One of his ribs also punctured his lung. Heard him scream out for agony as he hit, as we waited for the Ambulance and as he was being treated. I would never wish that kind of thing on anyone. He was an old rider who has traveled and raced the world not to mention he is aware of traffic flow and rules because he has a license and road experience. (No cars were involved in this incident).

Sounds nasty... Unfortunately, can happen to even the best.

I think this is a big issue as what I see being posted on FB, ASRA and that by the betten known names in the sport are vids of themselves skating illegally down hills. We ask our professional sports people to set a good example in higher profile sports not only that the police could have a field day if they wanted to get serious its all there on Vids. And then there's liability issue. I think some of the the younger guys not all, are continually trying to outdo each other in finding the gnarliest hills to shred and shoot on with out giving it a lot of thought. Look I love watching my son and the rest of you guys smash hills and wish I was young enough to do it myself but i'm just concerned that as the sport continues to grow people are going to get killed. Not sure what the solution is. I just help out as much as i can to try and keep everyone safe .

C'mon guys, shut up with this generalisation of groms. A lot of them are good smart kids, i skate with most of them. They're willing to ask if they can come skate spots with crew, not all of them are ignorant retards

No Kelly that is very true, problem is one "ignorant retard" undoes ALL the good that 50 "good smart" ones do. I have been around long enough to remember the public backlash in the '70's when skateboarding exploded and a few dicks got noticed. It was very very unpleasant to be a skater and get spotted by a cop (trust me - I still have scars).

There is another post on the forums at the moment about guys in Brissie (not groms by the sounds of it) that are going to cause some big issues there too there will always be a few that ruin things for the many we just have to do what we can to reduce their impact and I think the Adelaide Solution seems to be working.



Kelly Carter said:

C'mon guys, shut up with this generalisation of groms. A lot of them are good smart kids, i skate with most of them. They're willing to ask if they can come skate spots with crew, not all of them are ignorant retards

True Kelly. You and plenty of other totally rad groms are a constant reminder of that.

BUT, we've got piles of really young kids getting into skating now, who have no road sense or experience and want to do whatever they see in videos and are unlikely to take advice from older dudes (and by that I even mean older, wiser groms). That's where the concern is.

Kelly Carter said:

C'mon guys, shut up with this generalisation of groms. A lot of them are good smart kids, i skate with most of them. They're willing to ask if they can come skate spots with crew, not all of them are ignorant retards

I have skated with a fair share of older fellas too who were somewhat retarded. Radelaide has awesome groms, best kids I have ever met and given me a lot of faith in teenagers and children (they used to scare the crap out of me). 

Generalisations can't be avoided sometimes. All the good groms in Radelaide know who they are because we tell them if they are good groms so hopefully they will pass over threads like this knowing that it isn't specifically aimed at them.


I reckon your a good grom Kelly!

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