ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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I heard you on the stream.

Henry King said:

hey boys, newtons is goin off, i crashed out in my qualifier so i was in the repecharge....bloody excellent day, got something stupid like 13 runs down the hill...maybe that 13th run had some bad voodoo, anyway, smoked into the dipper right on hepples arse, didn't want to give him a push into the dipper but was coming up pretty hot, had to take a crazy tight line but had nowhere to go on the exit and we went into the bails in a spectacular fashion!  hit the bails bloody hard, hepple fully disapeard under a mountain of hay! copped a board to the gooch....very literally got raped by a board! anyway, sooked around a bit then realised hepple was on his board again, so i jumped back on the board, pushed off but the board wasnt steering right...i didn't realise i'd bent the kingpin with my ballsack!....crashed after about 3 pushes and dislocated my shoulder again. kooked it! epic fotage though....that's what i'm here for!

so i'm sitting in bed feeling pretty sore, fully stoked, belly full of bbq, you guys should be here! (not in my bed)

i dunno if you've been watching the feed, but dave tommo is killing it! quallied 4th of 5th i think! dave m crashed pretty hard yesterday (snapped a butboard too) but had a good solid day today.

chris (dirty luger) is doing pretty good too

dirty downhill represent!

i'm not gonna ride tommorrow, just gonna hang out and help tul with the grommets, best wife ever, she's been draggin two sick kids around while i've been living my dreams!

top ten shoot out was off it's head, dudes were hardly even carving before hitting forest, louis hardly broke tuck. it's ridick!

so much stoke!

see youse soon

I can't wait to see that footage!!! 

Saw a few of your runs on stream, striker went off! wish i was there watching in person!!


having a little bomb this arvo from four - issacs 

Aha I saw that, it was pretty rad dude.

We have our first GROM SQUAD session this Sunday (May 6th). Everyone should come along for a thrash with the stash!!! We're trying to get as many people shredding as we possibly can so bring your mates.

More info at:  

and 0:35..


that puck got smacked in the gob @ 0:35!


If your coming to gromsquad next weekend bring a pocket full of silver coins, after some tech and steeze instruction we'll do some races, 20 cents entry per heat sorta thing

yeah nice!

Will do.

is anyone going from northside that i would be able to get a lift with?? on sunday?

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