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  • Premium Member


    Just a heads up to everyone that last-minute nominations were received, so all positions are now filled by default.

    The nominees are:

    President: James Hopkin

    Vice-President: Tony Streets

    Secretary: Bruce de Graaf

    Treasurer: Haggy Strom

    Committee Members x3

    Jackson Shapiera

    Michael English

    Pete Smith

    As Colin noted state reps and other positions will be filled later on as the new ASRA board irons out the future structure of ASRA.  

  • ASRA Admin


    In case you missed it, or in case you want to watch it all over again, here it is:

  • ASRA Admin


    Now that a talented new team is in harness, my shit-stirring job is done!

    All of us now need to make sure that ASRA is able to continue, and that means each and everyone of us must support our new board and make sure that no one is allowed to "burn-out" from over-work.

    All of us have to make our sport happen, and don't rely on a few to run events and lobby government.  Our new Board will be there to guide us, but we all need to make a much greater effort.

    It also means making sure that the ASRA website becomes the single point of contact, and the trusted and true archive of important for events and results, and never again allow your history to be lost in the online sewerage outlet that is Facebook.  

    That means WE MUST put the events, and the results on the ASRA site before we copy anything to Facebook.  Because we will all need that sporting archive to be alive and complete for what will be happening with the Australian Sports Commission.

    There is a big change happening to Skateboarding in Australia, and Skateboard Racing needs all of us to be ready to take our place at the table.  When the AOC calls for a team to represent Australia in the Olympics we must not allow any Roller-Skaters to stand in the way of us and our sport!

    To the new Board, thanks for stepping up.

    To those that have offered to be the State Reps, thanks for stepping up also.

    To everyone that puts on events, participates in events, and posts the results of the events on the ASRA website, you are all a vitally important part of our sport!

    And lastly to the outgoing board,  thanks for the years of dedication to making our sport great, you have left a valuable legacy, and built a sold foundation for future generations to build on!