Premium Member



Cronulla, NSW


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What type of racing do you like?
Slalom, Downhill, Ditch
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  • ASRA Admin


    Ha, that header graphic!

  • Premium Member


    dude you got the sector with the sweet joint rolling tray in the bottom. thats a sweet deck. nice one.

  • Premium Member


    hi mate good to meet ya in Canberra, if you ever want to hit up tallwoods give us a shout!

  • Premium Member


    yeah mate ive skated that a fair bit, when i was working in forster last year, i would go up and slalom up the top, its a nice slalom hill, even the main road that turns off kularoo is super fast if you go up round the bend even to it looks pretty flat, but that corner that drops off and sweeps left that comes out as you enter the estate is cool, havent really skated it hard tho,, need a traffic spotter!

  • Premium Member


    nice vid alex, thats the section i meant, but continuing down and then sliding left at the bottom, nice slide man! im shit on the toe side, i will have to hit up some practice

  • Premium Member


    Alex i skated palms estate today and axed myself about five times high siding on corners so am totally sore, but on the way home i cut off at rainbow flat and bombed the old highway that has been bypassed, not too steep but about like Linden times 3 (length) with a couple of corners pretty roughish surface but even (pretty sharp in places so i skted it slow, but with leathers i reckon it would be awesome!!

  • Premium Member


    Yeah ive just got an avenger with randal 35/50's its kinda my allrounder! Got some old ass leathers that give me wicked cameltoe in a tuck and a decent full face, havent done too much full on downhill tho, wouldnt mind giving bathurst a crack this year so i need to do some practice!
  • Jon B

    hey thanks for the encouragement. i guess i just got to try and get out more nights after work. some times i dont get to skate decently for week and a half and i really start to notice a bit of regression then. its hard to motivate myself tho, after a day at work its too easy to say 'fuck it i'm too tired' and just go home.

  • Premium Member


    no can do man... i know i have a massive stash of wheels now but the thing is most of them i need to use for DH... and i dont split the duros in DH so i really wanna keep them all in sets of 4... im not going to be selling much this weekending only like 3 sets and they are all pretty much spoken for (including urs) so i can do either orange or purp... what wheels do u have on ur slalom board at the moment?

  • Premium Member


    Alex, i have a bit to get through tomorrow, i will give you a call mate in the arvo cause either late tomorrow or anytime wednesday Im keen (even tho Im technically at work!!) I actually was skatin the park from about 5.30 to 6.30 this arvo

  • Premium Member


    skated that big dipper at tallwoods today in my leathers, worked my way up to your mark on the first side, holy shit! that is the fastst i have ever been on a skateboard for sure, didnt go right around the corner on the other side without a spotter tho, it was good to see you skate it mate it has pushed me to go faster!!!!!
  • dave k

    alex fox has the decks in Sydney so no shipping cost contact fitz to grab the deck .
  • Pat Team OBR

    Hey Alex, sorry for the delay, busy moving house, you'll find the guy "Blas" at Mad or his number is
    0434395861 he's in Tempe, nice guy, he's getting into luge and buttboard too.


  • Premium Member


    Dude, Jacko and Ramon ripped the shit out of Tallwoods today in a quick session, got some good footage.

  • Premium Member


    The big main hill on the way in top to bottom mega slides! Bombed the big dipper thing top to bottom and did all the connecting paths around the big dipper with some gnarly big stand ups, also filmed the driveway up the top of the dipper at the front door of that house with a mega slash on the driveway and then dropping the shute together with scissoring standup sldes looked RAD!

  • ASRA Admin

    Jack meyn

    hey man hows it going?

  • ASRA Admin

    Jack meyn

    yeah im on my second week of holidays now.
    just been bodyboarding and skating,
    so tiried ay.
    sick photo of you on here haha,wheres that at?
  • Ash

    Hi Alex,sorry to hear about your stack,I suppose you can call it a learning curve.Any who I was wondering where you got the visor for your bell helmet?

  • Premium Member


    yo bro,hows the knee doin?ya far away from gettin back on the board?dude next year im gunna drag your ass up to beat the bastard no matter what,was a sik weekend,so much fun,you would of been in your element,anyway good luck recovering bro ,cant wait to roll with yo again soon,,
  • Jon B

    owww man... you went to hospital??>? what happened?

  • Premium Member


    Picture 771.aviDude, this is that run i was telling you about up at comboyne, put in 1952 Comboyne road Comboyne nsw into google maps and check street level and follow the run all the way the bottom, i didnt have pads or leathers when i was riding this corner as i was trying to dial it in before smashing it on a bigger run, of course i ate shit!
  • Jon B

    Damn, sucks that you got put out of action for a while. Hope you;re getting back into it soon!

    Work's going fine... even as a microslave the hours aren't too bad. i'm usually out of work by about 6-ish. daylight saving at the moment so I have heaps of time to [swim/bike/skate/rockclimb] cos it doesn't get dark til like 9.

    Keeping up with the skating, but its just different stuff. Miss those thursday night cruises... seattle's downtown sucks bigtime for that -- shitty pavement everywhere, *vertical* hills & security-infested carparks -- but i've been keeping my stoke up with regular cruises along a nearby bike trail, visits to local skate parks, a slalom event or two, and just cruising to and from the bus every day. many afternoons when work's sucking i go for a roll to the swimming pool, so at least I can continue that habit I got into back home! Couple of carparks nearby that are security-free but nothing like the number of spots we have back in sydney. Skated 50 miles on the weekend (, that was pretty crazy, all push on one leg. My legs were ready to drop off after that. Going to shoot for 75-100 next time.

    I'll be back in aus around november or december (likely november, as december is F*cking expensive). So make sure I have your shopping list (or anyone else who wants me to pick up some gear here) by about the middle of october, to account for delays/etc. in getting shit shipped to me.

    Cool grab shot at the top of your page, where is it?

    Seeya around mate and say hi to everyone for me

  • Premium Member

    Rob Mcwhinnie

    great vid bro looks like you where having fun. see you soon
  • Robbo

    come kiera tuesday.

  • Premium Member


  • Jon B

    the slalom was a bit of a disappointment. i didnt have a board set up for a course like that, it was tighter than anything i'd done before so i kept dqing from hitting too many cones. been putting it off long enough, time to get myself a proper slalom setup instead of trying to half-ass it all the time. as for the push race, finished middle of the pack. got the stamina but not the speed.

    cant wait to get back home and try new skills in old places. i want to come down to your area too and try all those housing developments i see in your videos and the sutho railway station garage

    i've gotten a couple of my friends over here onto longboards and out skating i have run into a few other people around who are moderately serious about it (i.e. not boardwalk-cruisers). a crew is taking shape!
  • Jon B

    that video is fucking awesome btw. just when i thought the last video is good, you guys take it to the next level. 180's on dervishes both ways in one lane wide, it boggles my mind. i see the crew's growing a bit too!

  • Premium Member

    Rob Mcwhinnie

    whats going on brother, hope your weekend away was sick i had a great wedding wit perfect weather, give us a call to organise a sesh in the next few days would be good before i get a job.

  • Premium Member


    sic dude,new leathers eh,youd be hanging to give em a go on some epic hills i would imagine.,havent got my killswitch yet,probs get it next few days,ill let you kno what i think....hittin some hills next week before chc-pumpstation,try to come if u can,i so wanna check them leathers out...laterbro

  • Premium Member


    yeh bro,rode killswitch on wedsday on some tech/gnar and it was awesome,id never rode it atall prior to my first run that day and was throin heelside checks with ease,every run from then it was just feeling better and better.,totally different to what ive been used,but epic,.definately kills corners,and easier to standup surf style no hands thru corners/sweepers......hangin to catch up this weekend bro,gunna be radfun...

  • Premium Member


    good to hear that your been riding your killswitch,i havent really had much of a chance to freeride much on mine,just getting it dialled at a bit of speed is all ive managed,just been riding kiera n waterworld on it each week...i dropped the spherical out of my smokies and got rid of the kingpin grind issue..but ive just put 184 Kaha's on my k/switch and now need to get used to them,put smokies on glyde,..any way so much tech goin on all i want to do is get used to all the changes before bathurst...spewin i should be at the pumpy now with u guys but im stuck home waitin for my car to be fix...faaarrrrkkk...cheers bro
  • Jon B

    Yep sure am, I will be in town from 16th dec to 4th jan. I'm going to go down to ainslie and get a ditch fix sometime during my trip back, you/anyone else keen for that? you guys like anything brought back from the states?

  • Premium Member


    dude,kahas on the kilswitch is the fucken shit.....yeewww

  • Premium Member

    Rob Mcwhinnie

    hows it ging bro, what you been up too.

  • Premium Member

    Rob Mcwhinnie

    sweet as Bro, just watched all ya vids again while sitting up late, stoked w adrenalin ill be up for another hour, no safety hey, good on you, hope ya missus is supporting you, get out and skate everytime theres a cravin and youl fucking tear the streets apart.
    Peru is Awsome, family over here is cool and chilled and im getting married on the 17th,
    heaps of places to skate too,
  • Joe

    Yo shredder!!! Was super stoked for you getting second to dadbro, rad effort man. Was good catching up and having a roll with you's! Bring on BTB!
  • Joe

    No worries dude.
    Yeahh oath alex! We were looked after very welll, I was cracking up when you pulled out your fruit in the morning and Jackbro's dad brings out alll the bacon and eggs ahahah.

    Yes! The confidence was coming back a great deal just from that one weekend, which I was super stoked on. Cheers bro!!! I hope to build alot more strength in my riding and in the shoulder for BTB.
    Its going to be so rad, Your staying in the BTB house as welll right.....yewww can't wait.
    Its unreal being at a party with the main majority being downhill skateboarders yewww!!!

  • ASRA Admin

    Maga McWhinnie

    hey alex,
    how you doing with you quit smoking, hope not so bad is diff at the begining and we wil always get the craving but its our choice we did it before we left australia and when tried one here it felt weird not pleasent.
    Hoiw is everything there how are the boys????
    im getting better and loosing the fear from falling off again like that time in sydney it was GNARLY!! hahaa i fell off skating this little hill next to the hop shop . i was with blackwood and was wearinfg only a little dress and when i fell my dress fell down and scratch everything got a bit afraid from that tme......any way heree is really cool im taking it easy and with protection.
    our wedding is coming soon is next week so we've being busy with it but we still manage to skate some time free.

    keep on doing your crazy videos and we will stay in touch.

    take care, ride the gnaaaar


  • Premium Member


    2nd corner old bar on 16th april from coastal watch yeeeew!!

  • Premium Member


    hey man so its that time again, outlaw race same spot as last time, this time we will be camping the night before then racing nice and early, 20th june.

    all the info is in the events page.


  • Premium Member

    Rob Mcwhinnie

    ALEXXXXXXXXX whats cracking brother,

  • Premium Member


    hey bro,was probably giving canberra a miss this year,just so i can afford adelaide,been super strapped for cash,shit year so far at work,every skate trip costs me a fortune,and the crew arent up for throin in much...gunna miss the ditch and owens slopestyles woulda been so over slalom bro and ive got to prioritise.....your goin to radelaide arnt you,wats your plan with that?

  • Premium Member


    hey bro,ive changed my mind,ive sent you a pm.....sic
  • Kuro

    Hi Alex, sorry i havent been online for a while.

    no more pre-natal classes, hopefully i can fit in another skate before the baby arrives.



    btw Steve graduated from the academy yesterday.


  • darcy hannan

    hey alex i was the kid on the bike that time because my skater got run over. And i got my tan tien for xmas and i need a few tips because my mates that i was with are a little bit more advanced then me so if we could catch up sometime and hit up a hill that would be great because i would love to get some good slides going you know?

    cheers DaRcY

  • Tristan Hannan

    hey alex im one of jacks glenns friends i skated with you and james late last year. im very keen for another session in the nearly future
  • Tristan Hannan

    are you up for a roll today with darcy, jack and myself
  • Col

    Cool im in, better pull my finger out havent skated for a few mths now, keen to get back into it.
  • Tristan Hannan

    thanks again for the roll keen to do it all over again!!! and wat are those knee pads u recomended?? shred on tristan
  • Chaz Whiteley

    Hey dude, yeah i gotta get a pic soon ! 

    And if you do have spear pivot cup that would be sweet tell us how much you want for it and i'll get some dosh cause it's going to be a bit before i save up enough money for new trucks. And i convinced dad to give me some money for some knee pads so i'll get them today and im making new slide gloves today as well.

    We have to go shred again soon !