Chaz Whiteley




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What type of racing do you like?
Downhill, Sliding, Flatland

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  • darcy hannan

    hey chaz i got asra and i not to good at working it :)

  • Premium Member


    C'mon Chaz... skills behind the lens and no profile pic? Whats doing?

    You were ripping today buddy. Might have to get a pivot cup bushing for your fake randals if you aren't getting newbies real soon. I've got a few spare so hit me up if thats the case.

    Check out Hopkin for some 187 fly pads for your knees and any decent brand for the elbow pads. They all have the same strapping i think?

    Or try even look into Early skateboards for knee and elbow pad combo... they are an aussie longboard brand, from up around the goldy. The pads look sick. Stripes all over them. So there you go, couple of options for ya.


    Shred the rad mate. I'll speak to you soon.

  • Premium Member


    Chaz, whats cracking mate?

    - Don't worry about any cash. I've got an old Khiro bushing kit that i don't really use much anymore. I'll see whats in there and should be able to hook you up with something.


    Good news on the knee pads too broseph...

    Jeez, knee pads + gloves and trucks that don't wobble... You will be all geared up and ready to shred soon!