



Profile Information:

What type of racing do you like?
Slalom, Downhill, Ditch, Park Slalom

Comment Wall:

  • Fletch

    Welcome aboard, I started a Moss group so we can plan some skates etc
  • Hop

    Welcome aboard Hamish - why did it take so long?
    Hamish bombs hills in Victoria, he'll go anywhere for a good session. You have all been warned. Now get on it and skate !!!

  • ASRA Admin


    Hi Hamish, welcome! Glad to make $5 from you betting on Jackson not going any faster :)

  • Premium Member

    Lea Robbo

    yeah was a blast...you coming to next conehead?
  • Hamish

    Hears hopeing depends on the funds and work.50/50 at the mo

  • Premium Member


    Hi Hamish, Photos? do you mean your birthday snaps, i've put them on charli, in i like to watch. Do you want them up on ASRA?
  • Ben

    hey mate

    how you doing? thanks for showing me round eh! have to catch up next time i'm in melb or you get further south!
  • Callum O'callaghan-daft

    G'day hamish,first off I'd like to thank you once again for leanding me the madrid and I am extreamaly sorry about the nose.

    What I'd like to do is buy you a new one but unforchnetly im am flat broke at the moment, I had to squeze every thing I could to get the landy dh, however I will get the money together asap, where did you find it and how much did it cost?

    Once again thankyou and I am really sorry, I had been so padantic about it and it was just that one run that got me, anyway hit me back and ill get a new one to you as soon as I possably can

    Ps your e-mail thingo wouldent work...

  • Premium Member


    thanks for letting me use the hellcat hamish :)
  • Ben Shane

    g'day... heard some good stuff about your pucks from G... are you still selling them? how much for a set of two?

  • Premium Member


    hamish, what size shirt are you? im thinking of getting some melburn shirts made up here since it's relatively cheap here. now the only problem is the design!
  • jason treloar

    hey hamish i head from fendy that you like doing long distance skating. abit early im hoping to do from melbourne to sydney you in:D?