ASRA Admin


Daruingufusuto, Shidoni


Profile Information:

What type of racing do you like?
Slalom, Downhill, Ditch, Park Slalom
Got a website you want to tell people about?

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  • Premium Member

    Lea Robbo

    i miss being in a square, next to all the other squares
  • api ihaia

    cheers man, i have never raced before but am looking forward to it my mate eddie spearing came over last year and raced and loved it so im getting amped and hopefully bringing some pulse boards that are made in christchurch to race with
  • Scott Poole

    cheers, my mate told me about the site and im lovin it.
  • Typhoon

    Yeah nice one mate .BRING ON THE GBIKES YEAH !
  • carlo randall

    in OZ for 3months.... homebase, thye surfing capital....
    drop a line... lets' hook up for a session????
  • Cooper Kruize

    hey bugs do u know how i can get on the staff team because me and a few mates would like to really be in the action at newtons 09 and are keen to volinteree so if u could tell me how i can sign up or wat ever i need to do that would be good thanks....
  • Andrew Hurcombe

    Hey Bugs
    Im thinking about buying a Grom Biz C2 Special Opps board what your opinion on them?
  • Joshua Cummings

    The beautiful plains of 'Iowa', actually. I'm lucky enough to live in the 2nd hilliest town I could skate to. But, holy jeeze! do wanna go faster!!

    Howz about you? Where about do you hail from?
  • Cooper Kruize

    thanks for that but i might only be able to do the last day on the 29th nov and when does the sheet need to be filled in and sent in by...
  • Typhoon

    Hey Bugs what/where do we get access to rego forms or email etc for newtons?
  • paulus

    yeah dude, was awesome to meet you guys today! haha you blokes rip hard. just going thru them now, gotta a few decent ones, will throw them up soon
  • Bozac

    it was good riding out there with you guys today, it makes me want to step it up a level and keep up with you boys. i'm gonna practice footbreaking regular instead of mongo for next session. i'm glad i bought robbo's old leathers, they saved a lot of skin today....

  • Premium Member


    hey man do you know if hop got onto Arnette or not I haven't heard anything from him and my big boss who works with them was asking about it all?

  • Premium Member

    Lachlan Cashman

    Im still fairly new to slalom, and i havent bought a proper deck yet, but Ill come along and watch for sure:)
  • Brendo

    hey bugs, good to be here :)
  • jarred wright

    hey bug, im living in the westend in brisbane fresh from canada. good to be here!

    Cheers Bro! Thanks for the tip, I think I have been out with the McCrew b4. couple of those dudes r pretty darn quik. Ill stick to my Gbike though, my downhill board still scares the shit outame, I havn't found a pair of flip-flops that give me the support I need.
  • Joshua Cummings


    Got a friend request from this user:

    Looked a little suspicious to me. Wasn't sure where to report the issue.
    Thanks a bunch,
    Josh C.
  • Brad

    Hey Bugs, cheers for the welcome.
    How do you qualify for ASRA events? CHC#4 Ditch & Slalom.
  • Andrew Hurcombe

    Hey Bugs
    Im really looking for a good board for freeride and downhill....
    ive found a board called the FSU Pro Race Carbon is this anygood?
    if not could you recommend any boards as my current Vault board is shit house
  • Cooper Kruize

    hey bugs is kincumber the ditch right behind the school...
  • Dylan Wellington

    Thanks mate,

    Yeah read the other day that boarding at night will soon become illegal in Queensland (with fines of up to $40 applicable). Might just have to pleade ignorance on that one.
  • Billy O'Donohue

    oh hay thanks sorry i didnt comment back i had yellow writing on a yelow background and couldnt see the comments thank for the welcome
    great site youve made
  • Henry Hagan

    Hey bugs, thanks for the welcome
    Glad to finally find a place to share my angled obsession with
  • Elijah C

    hello there.
  • chris berry

    Hey Bugs thanks for the welcome and i hear some guys are doing it today but im not sure i wanna see how they go might take a camera and take some shots
  • Gavin O'Leary

    Thnx Bugs, looks like a nice place :) Think I might stay a while
  • Nick

    haha thamks for the welcome mate
  • Aych

    Dude, you'll be the man who knows; is there a way of adding attachments ie word files to our emails on ASRA? been looking and can't find an attachment button; is that because there isn't one?
  • Aych

    cheers, matey
  • Alana Tight

    Thanks bugs, where are you from man? How long you been with ASRA n what do you ride. I am a sector nine girl. That's my mode of transport to work and around the area.
  • Craig 'Gumboots' SYMES

    I'm in Terrey Hills, looking for that North Shore Group - I ride a Bling Cruiser and would like to cruise on good hils, with good surface and good pace. I did meet Jackson SHAPIERA with the Bomb Squad some month or more ago at the Shephard Street Car Park. He was really kind to me and let me have a run with his board. I put in two shots of me at Terrey Hills - pretty genteel by all your standards, but still, so relaxing!
  • Sammy

    Thanks heaps bro, i'll check it out now! So stoked i found this site
  • Robbo

  • Kurt Nischel

    Yo Bugs!! great work mate !! awsome to see the event calendar full!!! K
  • hugh mason

    hi bugs i have managed to put together a bit of money. and i was just wondering how to become a paid memeber of asra?

  • Premium Member


    Hiya Bugs!

    Just writing to ask a small favour. If you head to the Taking the EOTH thread there is a discussion about a potential race in SA. Everyone in this state (especially me) is pretty unaware of how to start things off. I was wondering if perhaps you could drop by and offer some words of wisdom to the guys. Thanks!

  • Premium Member

    Lance and Josh

    hay bugs if we flew to sydney for MOTH would somebody be able to pick us up that monday?
    Lance + Josh =)

  • Premium Member

    Lance and Josh

    hi bugs ; no was meaning for the 6th master of the hill event . let me know thanks
  • Ross Hand

    Thanks Bugs,

    Been reading the posts on ASRA for a while now and thought it was time to join up!

    Happy shreddin
  • Marthinus Meyer Grey

    Hey bro, won't be able to ride as I don't own any equipment/board etc atm, just coming to see my bro Dennis Westpal from SWEDEN compete he's quite a champ! Maybe later this yearI'll join an event to participate
  • Rossco

    Hi there Bugs,
    I found myself checking the site more and more so finally got around to signing up.
  • Alana Tight

    That's ok Bugs man. Thanx for the reply. What's a dervish?
  • N2

    It was a pleasure not to run you over at the Opera. :P

  • Premium Member


    OM. I'm feeling connected again.

  • Premium Member


    Hey Bugs, Any objections to us doing up an ASRA flier business card size to hand out to all the randoms rolling round Brisbane? Basically a business card with the web address on it - no other advertising.
  • cameron feely

    hay ummm were i live i am the best longboarder were would i go for better riders to teach me more skills?
  • cameron feely

    ah thanks

  • Premium Member


    Cool, I will get onto it with Pete the printer (Glyde) and send a draft for your approval/ suggestions
  • Billy O'Donohue

    Cool thanks for that man