Board Builders

for any one who has made/modified a board. post some pics of your press or completed boards, its all good.
also, maybe share some tips on building and where to get supplies

also, occasionally, we can have a build off from time to time...
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  • Lloyd Jones

    This place is a bit of a ghost town these days...

    Anyway a few of you might remember the steel decks I knocked together a couple of years ago, well this is the next stage in the evolution. 

    The truck mounts are steel which are riveted onto the alloy bearers. I was focusing on lightweight for this build since I tend to cop a lot of flak for the weight of the previous steel decks. For those of you playing at home the deck weighs in at about 1.2kg.

    I did a bit of a rush job putting it together so I'm not happy with a couple of the welds, i'll probably strip it down and tidy them up before I really push it. I live like 2 minutes away from the G5 so I've taken it down that a couple of times and already I'm smitten. Its way smoother and accelerates way faster than the previous gen and the bigger platform makes such a difference.

    Wheelbase is about 800mm and deck width about 240mm 

    Heres a couple of snaps

  • Mark Gorman

    Wow dont see to many steel standup decks  ,, cool

  • Daniel Hawkins

    Hey Adam, that foam core looks awesome. Where'd you get your foam for the core from? and is that a wooden stringer running down the centre?