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ASRA Admin

ASRA v Facebook

Just putting this out here for your thoughts.....

I have been noticing that Facebook is taking over as the defacto news site for skateboarding.

Not everyone is on facebook, and for those that are, the amount of crap that you have to sift through to get news tries patience. 

Compared to ASRA RSVP's for an event, facebook "likes" are not really the same, and not knowing who is likely to attend makes it a bit harder to organise casual and formal events. 

Past events stop being visible when they hit the Facebook use by date, and seeing the historic results of the efforts put in by racers and the event organisers and sponsors, after the fact gets a lot harder.

We used to get so many great stories and pictures, now we get very little.


I would like to suggest that for ASRA events, a policy be intoduced along the following lines:


No pictures, and no story (50 words minimum) posted on the relevant ASRA event page means that it did not happen, and therefore the points do not count.


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    Premium Member


    ill look into it bernie?....cant you just have a link to it.

    yeh true about others writing the blog bernie,.thats how us boys from hopkin usually do it,.if you organise the event,,one of the others usually does the write up,etc.

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    ASRA Admin


    pretty quiet round here these days.



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    Premium Member


    For sure Bernie - was just thinking that the other day - is everyone too busy enjoying the warmer (dryer) weather?